Don Scipione of the Acme Company, and Rose Ann Pascucci of the Surety Title Agency contributed this tech tip
to modify their description field to track vital operations information:
Tracking Additional Information
Needs: Acme needed to store additional vital operations information besides that which is already tracked in the
Platinum Inventory module.
Solution: To track several related pieces of information, Acme used the Item Description field to track them in a
consistent format - item 1 in the first 10 bytes, item 2 in the next 5 bytes, etc. Using Xtrieve, they made another
template which redefined the Item Description field so that each item can be accessed independently.
In a land tile industry application, the policy amount and policy number are needed for reporting after an invoice
has been paid.
The standard Platinum template (FILE:ARLINH) with a 40 byte description field.
Don and Rose Ann created a customized template (Location: ARLINHd) in which the 40 bytes have been split into 2 fields:
dDESCRIPTION for 13 bytes and ddesc2 for 27 bytes.
Both templates view the data in LOCATION:ARLINH; so dDESCRIPTION and ddesc2 can be independently accessed through the
customized template.